The 100th post spectacular!

 It’s taken a little over three years but I’ve finally reached 100 posts. In that time I’ve painted 162 minis,  amassed 7 followers and 6 comments, luckily I work full time so the blog only has to supplement my income. Funnily enough the views are almost at 4000 so maybe some of those are real people enjoying(?) my painting and rambling. 

I wanted to do something to mark the occasion and decided to go way back to the very first mini I posted online. I used to post everything up on the random project log of the warseer forum which as far as I can tell is now dead but you can still see my first and last posts. Here it is from April 2015 one of the Foundry cowboys which I copied from the guide in their painting book. Luckily there is a beginner guide and an expert guide. At the time I knew I could never paint up to the expert standard but what about now? Well no I still can’t but it should be a fun comparison anyway. 

So it’s a definite improvement and I’m sure the one I paint in 2025 will have NMM and realistic leather texture I might give the weathering powders a miss though. As you can see from the picture below it never went well. It looked fine until I varnished it then the white patches appeared. The same thing happened with I base I ended up using but I stuck more powder over the top so some more practice is needed along with my camera work.

So in conclusion this little blog I started to help motivate me to paint has worked. It’s provided a sense of accomplishment that I never had before, a place to let out my random musings which sadly have no other outlet and it’s always nice to be able to look back on what you’ve done and smile. I write this at the end of every post but I really do appreciate it if someone takes the time to read my posts and gets some enjoyment from my painting.

Thanks for reading.


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