Chaos week 9

 The mutant at the back is now finished and I’m not sure how I feel about it. The skin tone is a little too bright but apart from that he looks fine and most of him will be hidden anyway. Other than that I started on the shrine itself and got one of my favourite chaos thugs painted up so it’s been a good week.

The two braziers I ordered turned up but without the flames which I really should have checked before ordering. I can’t find any online which is a shame as they fit well and I think it would have looked great. I thought of maybe sculpting some flames or filling them with skulls but it wouldn’t look right. They can now be used as basing material or join my mighty lord of Khorne who’s missing a leg which is also impossible to buy. I also lost the alter with the axe so if I can’t find it tomorrow it’s being left off.

So this week I’ll be working on the shrine and another side project I may even paint up something for orctober if I find time. 

Thanks for reading. 


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