Old world army challenge

For a couple of days now I have thinking that I need to focus my painting efforts into finally finishing my dwarf army. It was then that I saw the ‘old world army challenge’ posted up on Facebook. 1000 points to be painted up in 6 months exactly what I had already been planning on doing. It was a sign, a message from God that this was to be the year I would achieve one of my long held painting goals and actually complete a project. Poised like a coiled spring on the sign up button I suddenly remembered my toddler like attention span, limited free time and a dogged refusal to obey any kind of deadline. I’ve also already started on the army which might cheating, or not, it doesn’t matter because I decided to do the challenge my style - unsociable and possibly drunk. That’s right I’m doing it here all by myself. Take that society.

I already have three emergency dwarfs posted up but before the blog I had worked on some others. First up are five double handed weapon dwarfs (stilts count as you need two hands). As I’ve said before these dwarfs are the greatest range of minis ever made.

Next up are some of the first minis I painted up after getting back into the hobby Bugman’s brewers. 2nd edition ones are my favourites though the third edition ones were the first metal minis I bought before then my hard earned pocket money went on the boxes of monopose plastics. I think I owned every one of those boxes but I’ve never been tempted to seek them out now. As for Bugman’s I decided to go for a black and yellow colour scheme maybe because I wear black while making booze. I also wanted them to be different from all the other blue Bugman’s.

I like my dwarfs to be colourful so are painted with blue, green and yellow using red as a spot colour. I’m not an artist so can only describe this choice as wanting the warm colourful colours to stand out against the cold metal that makes up a lot of the dwarfs. I know blue is a cold colour but I’m a painting rebel.

So the army list.

Lvl 5 Dwarf lord with mitheral armour and double handed weapon - 78 points
Lvl 5 BSB with heavy armour - 101 points

22 Dwarf warriors with double handed weapons - 264 points
20 Dwarf warriors with shields - 220 points
20 Dwarf crossbows with shields - 280 points

3 man stone thrower - 54 points

997 points of Dwarfs now hopefully I can get them painted in 6 months. There’s not enough points left over to squeeze in standards and musicians while keeping nice block formations but I’ll be painting them up anyway. It would be wrong not to.

Thanks for reading.


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