Nick Romundo

I don’t just paint fantasy. On very rare occasions I also paint sci-fi stuff and the orlock gang enticed me with tales of futuristic hells angels.
Orlock gang

I had lots of ideas on how they were going to be painted up but nothing I could commit to. One of my favourite movies is Mad Max so black on black was near the top of the list along with a gang symbol on the back of the jackets hells angels style. I quickly realised all that black would be annoying to paint and I’m not sure I have the skills to make it look good. The gang symbol was doable but I’m not convinced that it would look good.

With precious painting time slipping away I decided to get started and see what happened. After a few false starts and re-paints it all started coming together. Parts here and there changed along the way with the guns scoring some brand new foundry paint after my visit there and noticing that it was a similar shade of green as an SA80. I knew those years in the military would come in handy at some point.

It was the bases that almost broke me. I wanted them to look like worn out dirty metal flooring you would find in a hive city with a little osl coming up from the grating. The osl was replaced with rust, different metallics were used and finally a over dose of weathering powder. I had succeeded in creating a dirty grimy hive floor and I hated it. Cutting the gangers off and giving the bases an iso bath I drowned my sorrows strawberries and cream Baileys which was also a little disappointing.

The next day the bases were painted in a simple style and finished off with nuln oil and agrax earth shade. I’m much happier with them and a half bottle of Baileys remains in the fridge. The lesson here is keep it simple and stick to whisky.

I realise the sensible thing to do now is paint the remaining five gangers but I have half painted black knights, two dwarfs and a gnome to get through so think I will start to clear those first.

Thanks for reading.


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