Goat boy

 What a fantastically fun mini to paint. I'd taken my daughter down to the local hobby shop to pick herself out a prize for being awesome at stuff. It just so happens that the upstairs area of the shop also has Warhammer so I was practically forced into buying myself something while I was there.

I was rushed and indecisive. The kid had her prizes to open and the wife wanted feeding the pressure was on. After flicking through the blister packs for a third time I ripped open my shirt, screamed to the heavens and grabbed the beastlord. Gammon and cocktails followed shortly afterwards.

I wasn't very impressed when this guy was released. He's a fun little mini but nothing about him really stands out from a regular beastman. With some of the recent AoS releases being incredible he felt a little lackluster and I never had any desire to pick him up. I'm glad I did.

He was painted in my normal chaos style of purple with green bits and for the skin I used 'near eastern flesh' one of the wargames foundry triads. He came together really quickly and was immensely satisfying to paint I'm even considering finding the pack of gors I built a few years ago to give him some minions to lord over. Unfortunately disaster struck. I normally varnish my minis with army painter anti-shine but I really don't like the top of the cans which always seem to break. I'd bought a can of matt varnish from colour forge to try out as I'd liked the yellow paint I'd got from them. Sadly despite a good shaking it frosted on the mini.

The frosting doesn't look to bad in these pictures but in person he was very white.

I did a quick Google search which recommend using olive oil to sort the problem so I used contrast medium. It didn't work so I used my old method of going over the mini with gloss then respraying to knock off the shine. Again it frosted so it was another layer of gloss then the army painter anti-shine. It's mostly fixed I did have to go over some gloss patches with contrast medium though and his right hand axe isn't looking great. I don't want to strip him but I kind of do, he was quick to paint after all. Anyway now I have to continue looking for an alternative to the army painter any suggestions would be appreciated.

The whole process of painting the beastlord has really got me back in the right mindset. It's inspired me to dig deep into my pile of shame where unspeakable things lurk waiting for their time to come.

In other news I've had to make a few necessary  upgrades to the house which has ended up being a rather expensive and lengthy saga. This has prompted me to start selling some of my minis on eBay which has honestly been more painful than expected. It's not easy selling minis you love but know you will never get round to painting and I'm trying to psych myself up for selling the painted ones. The worst part is I'll still be buying more like the GW sucker I am.

Thanks for reading.


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