Unfocused painting

 I missed my first post of the year. Things have been a little hectic at work and home so it's not very surprising and going this long is honestly better going than I expected. I have got some hobbying ( spell check tells me that's not a word) done it's just that I haven't been able to focus on one thing. I built the Glot kin which is a fantastic model, I built the new slann and aggrodon ( I'm to cool to spell check that) I'm hoping they will translate into the old world. I started painting 20 hand gunners and the blood bowl khorn star player.

I honestly forgot how much I hate batch painting. After doing 40 swordsmen 20 gunners didn't sound like it would be to bad. It is. I've stalled on them halfway through doing the skin tones so I think when I get back to them I'll break them down into batches of 5 so I can see some progress after an hour's painting. 

The Khorn guy is Max Spleenripper who I bought because he looks so good. Not much done on him so far although I have painted the skin twice. I used the army painters air range but the skin came out far to pale. I tried giving it a glaze with Guilliman flesh but that came out to dark and streaky. I used the original colours to paint over this knocking back the highlights to avoid having the same problem as before. I do have the chaos set for BB sitting in my pile of shame/opportunity so that could be a project for the future. I also started painting the slann although I haven't fully settled on a colour scheme yet so that's taken a back seat for now.

Being chronically short on I also decided to it would be a great idea to start a YouTube channel. I enjoy playing games when I get the chance so why not record them. Turns out it's an expensive pain in the ass to get started but I've almost got that worked out. What I never thought of was how much time gaming would take. I was going to put on Megaman X it's I game I really enjoyed. After having a quick play through its harder than I remembered so now I need to get good at games again so I can post a decent video. All of this takes away from painting time. Hobbies are meant to stress you out right?

Thanks for reading.


  1. Good luck with getting into the Youtube space! I know that feeling of unfocused painting, it always hits at the worst times.

    1. I really need something to paint towards an AoS or fantasy tournament being announced would be ideal.

  2. I have never managed to get batch painting to work in anything over groups of five.

  3. That's what I'm thinking about doing it's nice to see some progress.


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