Chaos lord on karkadrak

 I was a little intimidated by this guy at first and had no idea what colours to use for the karkadrak. It's such a cool model I really wanted to give it a colour scheme it deserves but in the end I just started painting I picked the first colours I thought of. So yes he's a little bland and the straps blend in with the scales but I like how it turned out. I think it looks natural and work with the rest of the army. 

Chaos lord on karkadrak

With this leader completed I now have a 1000 point army! At least I did in 2nd edition to get a legal list now I'll have to drop the giant and paint up a couple chariots. Sadly I've ran out of basilicanum gray so until I get more I'll be painting up 35 swordsmen. I'm sure that will be fine.

Thanks for reading. 


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