Blood bowl skaven week 3

As unlikely as it may seem a global pandemic has actually stopped the skaven from taking over the world (of blood bowl). While the event hasn’t been cancelled yet it seems unlikely to go ahead at the end of May and I have a two year old and asthmatic wife to think of so won’t be attending. It kind of killed my motivation on Saturday and I ended up wasting two potential painting hours in skyrim. Luckily I came back strong Sunday morning and got started on the flesh getting the first highlight on half the rats before taking a break to paint all the purple areas. They are starting to look like a proper team. 

As to the global pandemic I’m still working at the moment although we are down to a skeleton staff. What that means for me is shifting from a job I don’t enjoy to one that I do and it will also boost my available painting time. You have to take little victories where you can. Not much else to say this week on painting terms but it’s definitely been one of the strangest I’ve experienced. Between people being sent home from work for 12 weeks self isolation, schools closing, social distancing and the complete lack of morals from the panic buyers it’s been an interesting time. 

Stay safe out there and thanks for reading. 


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