Random stuff

Couple of random things I picked up to show off today. I don't have too much to say about them as I don't know much but will share what I do.

First up some fighter guy that came free with the green skin wars kickstarter. I have him a quick and easy paint job which really needed better blending on the skin. I also tried out some of the  GW crackle paint and 'blood for the blood god' which I need to practice with. I have seen people achieve great results with blood paint and watched a few tutorials but can't seem to make it look right.

He was painted in mostly foundry's paints sticking to natural colours. The skin I think was middle eastern flesh as I was going for a Sumerian/Conan look.

This guy was a random eBay buy during night shift. It's almost guaranteed that at some point during night shift I will find something on eBay I need to buy, last night it was some death watch captain. What made this guy exceptional was that he went straight into the painting queue and was done in a couple of days while the genestealer cults metamorphs(?) are still on the sprue. I have since looked him up and found out he is a Bob Olley scrunty. Great range of guys that I would love to paint up if I ever have the time, money and commitment. Again it was a simple paint job with most of my focus being on crusoe the celebrity dachshund.

Those were the last of my pre-painted minis I will be posting until I get going on my dwarf army again when I will post what's already done. At the moment I'm working on a little display board and a hobgoblin also from the green skin wars range.

Thanks for reading.


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