Old world new possibilities

 I've neglected the blog this year, sorry about that, although I have been busy hobbying away in the background. The old world Brettonia box is almost fully built with only the lord left to do. I picked up a couple made to order minis to add to the force leaving only a box of foot knights and bsb required to have a full army. 

I was struggling to come up with a colour scheme for them and to be honest I still am. I've always liked the red and blue but I can't seem to get behind official GW schemes and have to be different so I decided on green and white. This goes against the lore with Brettonnians not wanting to attract the fay who like green although I did have my reasons for it. My faction was going to be based in a woodland fortress working closely with the wood elves to protect the land. I still think the green and white would look great but I just wasn't feeling it. I'd bought some ak interactive paints to try then set about airbrushing on the green. It never went well I'm still pretty bad with an airbrush and it constantly clogged. 

Once the green was down I thought it might be a  good idea to do a test model. I went with a bone colour as a base for the white and brown straps which looks great as a rustic woodland scheme but no where near the clean regal looks I was after. Next I tried black straps with gray seer as a base for the white. The coverage was terrible which was surprising for a base paint and again I was put off of painting with it.

I then decided to swerve away from noble elf loving defenders of the land to pompous arrogant killers. While I'm happier with the direction my army has taken it still left me with the problem of a colour scheme. I looked through Instagram and army books for ideas and even downloaded a book on world heraldry. Lots of reds and yellows which I unfortunately used in my empire army and blues and yellows which looks ok but not what I was looking for. Not a lot of purple so time for another test model.

I had airbrush problems on this one so the paint is a little on the thick side.

It looks good but maybe too dark. I'm happy with the colour but not how I painted the purple. I used three citadel colours and rushed it. It looks ok but I can do better then that. I'm going to wait for the new army painter range to come out get four purples and try to paint in some texture. I really dislike the current army painter range but I'm enjoying using the air paints it's what I used to do the yellow. I haven't decided on black or brown straps yet so I still have to work that out.

One of the things that was putting me off of using purple was my slaves to darkness army. I never wanted two army's using the same colour however there's a lot of time between the old world and AoS so maybe my Brettonians saw opportunities in the age of chaos. Unfortunately I now need to come up with a good colour for dark elves incase I ever want another army to paint.

As for my existing army's I've bought some sabot movement trays to convert my 20mm dwarfs to 25mm dwarfs. I've already written an army list for them so when I get bored with painting purple I can knock out some fun dwarfs. The celestial hurricanum I've been painting off and on for far too long is no longer available to the empire. After a couple hours sobbing I wrote an army list for them too which I already have all the minis for. Sadly none of my chaos models can be used in the old world. The warriors are only a little over sized but everything else is far to big. I briefly considered rebasing them but that's madness and I doubt I'll get a game any time soon. There is an event an hour and a half away from me this weekend but I've sadly got other priorities maybe next time.

All in all I'm really looking forward to all the new old stuff coming out. When GW started the made to order range I bought quite a few things hoping they would continue releasing some great old minis, I even got Grom the Paunch. Turns out lots of stuff will be coming back and I can't wait to get the marauder giant and orc shaman. I also noticed that dwarf shield bearers come in fours now so maybe we'll get the old throne of power and anvil of doom. The down side of this reasoning is that ye old big hat chaos dwarfs won't be coming back. Makes me a little sad I really needed more minis to "paint".

Thanks for reading.


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