Little Ronnie

 After some fun little Skaven it's time to start working on Angron. Khorne has always been my god of choice although the older I get the more I associate with Nurgle. Angron has certainly came on since his old epic days being much bigger and a whole lot smaller at the same time, at least he's not naked now.

I wasn't sure how much sub assembly I wanted to do trying to keep painting as easy as possible but also avoid having to glue bits together at the end which I always worry will ruin the paint. After checking him out most of the armour plates have cables coming out which feed into his skin so the whole thing was assembled apart from the shoulder pads. I also wasn't sure how to paint him I'm not really a fan of the bronze on bronze of the box art then I remembered I already have a chaos colour scheme so he will be getting the Steel and brass of my other bad guys. Not sure how I'll work the purple in yet but I'm sure it'll come to me while painting.

I started out with the air brush over a black primer using scale 75 reds, can't remember which ones, which was looking good until it came to using a regular brush. I was mixing the second base red with an orange to get a nice highlight for his skin. I put down a layer over his arm, then a second, then a third. I then returned the scale 75 paints to their drawer and put down a single layer of mephiston red over the whole model. His skin is now lighter and brighter than I wanted but that's a small price to pay for my sanity.

Then the school holidays started and all painting stopped.

At the moment his skin, wings and hair are all finished although I may do some more highlights on his face once all the details are done. I'm working on the steel and bone areas then it will be the brass and all the little pipes, skulls and assorted other bits. I've still not decided on how the base will end up although there's a tutorial on the Duncan Rhodes painting channel I might try out. I'm also thinking about making a second base so he can be used in my slaves to darkness army it will mean using magnets on his feet but should be easy enough and something new to try out.

Chris Peach on the painting phase painted Angron in 6 hours. Not sure how I feel about that.

Thanks for reading.


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