Why am I not getting stuff painted?

 Why am I not getting stuff painted? Well check out my painting desk and it becomes pretty obvious even to the extent that I felt the need to write a post about it.

My desk, like the bonsai tree, has seen better days.

Tanks, like bow ties, are cool. I've seen lots of amazing weathered tanks on the TRFT and Night shift youtube channels so thought I'd give it a go. I also wanted something to build on holiday so the start collecting box was the ideal choice.

Freeguild general on gryphon? Ahh hell no that's an Empire general on gryphon. I've been making more of an effort to find gaming groups around me and this Sunday there will be an 8th edition tournament about an hour and a half's drive away. I found out to late to do anything about it but this is the holy grail for me, sorry brittonia. Looking at the army's taking part no one had the Empire so since this guys been collecting dust for five years I decided that was the way to go. Now all I need is for an event to be held next year, to not be working, not be on holiday and to get in early enough to make the list. Oh and paint an entire army.

RIPLEY! I saw this mini on GMG and had to pick it up. Aliens is my all time favourite movie and how I will be teaching my daughter about girl power.

An out of focus chaos giant which I remember saying wouldn't take long. 3 pretty awesome oldhammer minis there too one of them being my all time favourite mini.

A big beatles I was going to finish early in the year and a maggots lord. Not shown is the chaos lord on manticore. 

A house I started building along with a tabletop world one a started years ago.

Vincent Venturella has a video about 10 hobby tips here (number 11 has became something of a mantra to me) one of which is about having a clear hobby space. I should be able to sit down and start painting without having to clear a space so that will be my next hobby project, getting my desk back in order. I'm also a firm believer that my desk space reflects my mental state. When it's clear I am able to get through my projects and I'm generally happier all round the most satisfying painting I've done this year was the dwarfs I painted on holiday away from my desk. So it's time to try and turn this year around to hopefully end on a high.

Thanks for reading. 


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