Chaos gargant

 I never used to like the GW giant with his spindly limbs stuck onto a pot belly but the older I get the more I can identify with him. The dream of course is to own the marauder giant I could never afford at the time however I now own a few models I've always wanted which still need painting so I guess there's no hurry.

Chaos Gargant

I thought this would be a good mini to practice using the airbrush on large areas of skin which worked out great to start with.  In the end I covered most of the skin with a normal brush to either correct mistakes or match the colours. I wanted to tie the giant in with the rest of my chaos forces so added some purple to the base skin tone which overpowered the flesh colour so that also required some correction. 

Other than the  skin I painted him up in my usual chaos scheme and I'm happy with how he came out. I did abandon him for a while. After laying down the base colours and finishing off the skin the thought of doing all the details killed off my enthusiasm. A little bit of free time got me energised again though and it never took as long as I thought once I got going.

I now have two tasks ahead of me. The first is to learn how to take army shots where everything is in focus. The second is something I should have done a long time ago.

Thanks for reading. 


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